About us

Since April 2003, Nereus has been developing innovative information services to connect existing essential research resources and to unlock new content from top economics faculties across Europe.

Nereus is integrating access to the economics resources of key libraries, academic publications and other online resources in Europe and beyond. It is a follow-up to the European Commission projects Decomate I & Decomate II.

Existing research resources such as RePEc or new content of excellence from nearly 70 of Europe’s top economics scholars, will be unlocked through the Economists Online project. Book references, working papers, reports, government publications,

statistics, as well as other web resources will be made available online. Sources will be provided with as much full-text and raw data as possible. and in a number of languages, starting with English, German, Dutch, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian.

The Nereus consortium
Made up of prestigious institutions in the world of academic economics, the Nereus consortium seeks partners using the European Economics Association ranking lists as a guide in inviting key research centres in Europe to provide new information

services. In time, partners will also be sought in the US to complement our European resources.

Representatives of the current network are on the programme’s Steering Committee, the decision-making body.

The Nereus Rolling Plan forms the basis of our activities. For more information, see the Nereus Rolling Plan.

The Nereus Scientific Advisory Board
An Advisory Board of renowned economists monitors the development of Nereus services to help ensure that Nereus’s plans meet the needs of the users as effectively as possible. In addition, we ask scholars about their needs to shape present and future programme goals and services.