NEEO (Network of European Economists Online) is an EU-funded project which will address the lack of integration of academic output amongst premier European economics institutions by creating a powerful new research tool called Economists Online.
Duration: 30 months
1 Sept. 2007 – 1 March 2010
Project budget €1,976,208
eContentplus, DG Information Society and Media, EC funding €988,104
16 partners, from 8 European countries.
Lead partner: Tilburg University
Key features
• access to 50,000 bibliographic references, at least a third of which will be full text
• journal articles, working papers, book chapters, conference proceedings and primary datasets
• a showcase of 500 leading European economists, including comprehensive publications lists
• multilingual searching in English, French, German and Spanish
• extensive IPR advice and documentation for authors
16 leading-edge partners from Europe
A new portal for economics
Economists Online will increase the visibility of economists’ research by collecting it in a single, cross-searchable portal, which will also include comprehensive individual publication lists. Additionally, Economists Online content will appear in other economics search services as well as the large internet search engines, and we will seek to improve economists’ rankings in all of these.
Economist Online went live in September 2008. The Economists Online pilot can be searched now; content is regularly being added.