January 2016
- Prague’s Charles University and its Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE) joins Nereus
CERGE is the first Central and Eastern European country to join Nereus in January 2016. CERGE is well known for its inernational economics and CEE research.
December 2015
- Nereus invited to present at the 8th International Bielefeld Conference.
How can libraries achieve successful partnerships for collaboration on repository work in the future through international collaboration? Nereus will share its experiences with the international library, information professional and publisher communities and audience in February 2016.
For more information, see the Programme.
November 2015
- Nereus submits a bid to the EContentPlus 2015 Call for Proposals
Fifteen partners from eight European countries, largely already supported by their faculties, have submitted a proposal to create a subject-based repository showcasing excellent European economics research making as much of that work online and open access. It will build on the Economists Online pilot: will develop on lessons learnt, and will primarily focus on making European research more visible, accessible and usable and will provide more services of interest to the researcher.With EU funding we hope to have the opportunity to build an infrastructure to allow the easy integration of more quality economics research from other additional institutions in the future, better showcasing European research; a model which could be adapted for other subject areas. The proposal also brings in new multilingual elements, and more added value services such as automised metadata enhancement, citation analysis, RSS feeds as well as a copyright toolkit for authors.
The first quarter of 2016 will inform us as to whether this endeavour for EU funding has been successful or not. - Nereus is expanding to Central and Eastern Europe: Prague in negotiations
Nereus envisages welcoming Charles University and its Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education (CERGE) shortly to Nereus.
CERGE operates together with the Economics Institute (EI) of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The joint workplace CERGE-EI has grown to be recognized as a regional center of educational excellence and has won numerous accolades from the European Commission, US governmental institutions, international grant authorities and research organizations. Its location also attracts researchers, faculty and students concerned with the impact of social, economic and political transition in the CEE region.
We hope to welcome them as our first Central and Eastern European partner in January 2016.
October 2005
- Economists Online OAI4 breakout session at the Cern Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications well-received
Some of the issues which came up in discussion were the tension between differing national copright law and policies and, given that, the different attitudes (interpretations, politics) of libraries within one country (conservative versus liberal); how you select and utilise champions to increase IR content; the importance of doctoral theses in IRs is evident and needs more strucutured organisation.
Author identification management needs to be tackled on an international level although other countries are beginning to organise this nationally in some cases (US and NL).
National libraries are increasingly serving as national back-ups of academic output and repositories (Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland) – a worthy added value service for the researcher.
Regarding metadata and version management, to what degree do people indicate or worry whether an entry in a repository is peer-reviewed? There seems to be conflicting evidence on the topic. What do we do with pre- and post prints in IR’s; is this dependent on the discipline? Is withdrawal an issue? Does the author decide? Does the IR decide? Do we archive or electronically publish or both? How do we keep track of versions of a publication? And complex objects?
In conlusion, disciplinary-oriented, aggregated repositories are becoming more and more important. A project of a similar set-up to Economists Online is “Dark” at Leiden University, though a national project with African studies as its topic. Corporate branding needs to be considered in order to distinguish the participants of aggregated services. - Carlos III, Madrid joins Nereus
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid join Nereus on 1 October 2015. This Univeristy is one of the leading economics universities in Europe, amongst the top 15. We welcome them to the network and look forward to their active participation. - Maastricht Univerity joins Nereus
Universiteit Maastricht are members of Nereus as of October 2015. This Univeristy is another prominent economics university in Europe and the Netherlands. Good experience has been gained with them so far in the Project Economists Online, and we look forward to more in the future. - Workshop held at LSE on The Data Library for Economics Researchers
A workshop for information specialists from various univerities around Europe was held at the London School of Economics and at its datalab to discuss some of the challenges in supporting one’s researchers in this area. This begins a series of workshops as part of the Nereus Programme.
More information on the day, and presentations
September 2015
- Nereus to present and discuss Economists Online at the Cern Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications
Nereus and Economists Online will hold a break-out session at the Cern Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communications (OAI4) at CERN, Geneva on 21 October 2005. We will primarily discuss the challenges and successes in involving researchers in an international initiative that serves both researcher, university and library.
For more information, see the conference website.